Thursday, May 7, 2015

My Natural Hair Story with Wash and Go Attempt

Hair dilemma: frizzy, non-clumping hair

This September will mark four years of natural hair craziness! I'm so glad I didn't give up during that first year. Every time I looked in the mirror all I could think was, "What have I done?!" I could no longer do my usual, relaxed hair styles. The texture was drier and the breakage was unreal. I bought products left and right trying to salvage the hair I had left. Yes, it was still think, but there were sections that showed damage more than others. One side of my head has long, stringy hair. The other side was short and full. The top, center section of hair was about three inches , while the other sections at least went to my shoulders. Something had to give!

My transition was a little different from most since I did not do a big chop. Not even a trim. I believed that if God's word said for a woman to not cut her hair, that He would help me through this since I was being obedient. I needed a Red Sea miracle and quick! I always had long hair, but it was so noticeable that my hair was a lot shorter. I started wearing wigs and experimenting with braids to protect my thinning hair. I knew all of my relaxed hair had to fall out before I could be completely natural. Watching my hair go through these changes and not knowing what to do was the hardest. I continued to implement tried and true methods: I prayed over my hair and kept it oiled with olive oil.

Pictures do a great good! The first time I noticed my hair was growing and that my curl pattern was finally showing was a game changer for me. I had to take more pictures and document my ups and downs. Now, almost four years later, I can honestly say the road was hard, but it was so worth it. My hair is finally at the length it was before I went natural ... slightly longer in some sections. I'm at the point where I want to conquer some of those cute styles I'm seeing others accomplish and create some of my own. Although I'm still searching for products that work for me, at least I know some that do not work. Same goes for styling methods.

I love how my hair looks when it is wet. It's perfect. Ringlets for days! Yaaaaassss!!! But time it dries ... baaabaay ... frizzy, good-for-nothing, dry poofy mess. Hot mess. Can't leave the house or be seen like this mess. But the above video was a game changer, for real. So easy. Simple. That's what I want in a hair routine. I cowashed with my TRESsemme conditioner, applied some Cantu curl activator cream, and then a light coating of Shea Moisture curling gel souffle. I gave my hair a good shake to set my curls. I let it air dry and even went outside to let the sun  and wind help it dry a bit. Those curls were popping! No, my hair wasn't completely dry before I left the house, but it wasn't dripping water, just a little dampness near the scalp. Definitely trying this again.

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